Bitlumens: review

The energy sector consists of electricity, water, wind energy, and a lot of non-energy sources. In difficulties and regularity, energy can be created and spent to benefit the human race. As time progresses, technologies in the energy sector show a new day in every ascension of the sun. From various sources to applications, progress and innovations do not stop. The benefits of these innovations are not accessible to the common masses.

The world is a great place and reaching the corners is the most difficult task that shouted "global". The world is round, but the entire population is not round enough to circle into a single piece. While the population of our countryside or the rest of them are empty in our hundreds, the lucky ones are going up to higher levels to make their lives better. Such a challenge is the energy sector for our planet's backward or developing regions.

Despite the technologies that have developed the energy industry, terms such as electricity and water energy remain alien to these people. They do not just live in the dark, they dream that their dreams are energy in their homes. They use environmentally damaging techniques such as coal and wood burning to compensate for inadequate cooking and lighting. The community must go hand in hand to achieve a better future. Energy must be made available for the deprived and developing areas. But how is this possible?

Enlightenment in the dark Because the

problem is inevitable like the sounds, there is a solid solution for it. BITLUMENS is the name of the project that will illuminate the lives of these houses and give them the life they want. BITLUMENS is a service platform software that provides a place where users find their electricity and humanity.

With the help of blockchain technology, the platform will produce solar energy for households that do not have electricity and power. The user may request that the solar panels be used in their homes by publishing their wishes in practice. These requests can then be seen by the banks for financial services and installment purposes. In this way, users will communicate with the banks through bank accounts and the solar energy can evacuate other energy vehicles that damage nature.

All this information will be exchanged with the help of the BITLUMENS specifier. Users will pay with token to publish claims and banks will pay for access to user information. These markers will then be paid to the user as financial support to set up the energy system.

Blockchain technology will ensure the safety of personal data fed on the platform and will also support a reward system based on the user's past. 

Determination of energy

The shading of the market will lead to the inclusion of a large crypto-currency and the popularization of the future crypto concept. The symbol used for proper operation of this project is called the BLS indicator. An ERC20 is another form of token and is based on the Ethereum block chain. The hard capital required to transform the lighting project into reality is 25 Million USD.


On the one hand, the world is faced with great unemployment, and gender biases, energy and practices in rural areas are important issues to be solved first. BITLUMENS wants to get an idea of ​​the masses and ensure that people have the right to access the households. Basic electricity is not a luxury, it is a necessity. And BITLUMENS will make it possible for everyone to realize their dreams!

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ETH: 0x73998E2fB5604606E87585edc2C834539400985B


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