MB8 Currency


MB8 Coin will be used   as a "fuel" for the existing loyalty gift network. MB8 Coin will be the first black currency to be issued with the actual use of the world and will be accepted as part of all payments within the existing network of sellers and retailers. MB8 Coin is designed to be the backbone of a gift network that has been rated in white by more than 2,100 companies. 
The currency MB8 will be listed on the exchange where the customer will have the ability to exchange currencies with other currencies. MB8 coins will be received by more than 2100 companies shortly after the completion of the ICO. 
The Multibuy application is being redeveloped and will soon introduce you as your nearest business partner. Get MB8 Coin while using an existing gift platform
By Online Booking Holiday Pay up to 100% with MB8 Coins with Coins 1 MB8: 1 Products Euro Value.Beli online Pay up to 70% with MB8 Coins with Coins 1 MB8: 1 Euro Currency Value.Spend MB8 in the list and develop loyalty network reward. Earn 5% P / extra gift of MB8 Coin through Lock


Koikin tweets and ICO details
  •  Name: Coins MB8  
  • Company: MB8  
  •  Algorithm: X13  
  •  Type: Directories Share (POS)  
  • Ratings : Code Utilities Ready Segwit  
  • Distribution  Home through ICO  
  •  Not sold All currencies will burn
The company will launch MB8 Coin to pay a large expansion of the loyalty loyalty system installed, allowing universal adoption through the cryptocurrency. The initial implementation will be the distribution of the sales of ICO Coins MB8 Token, which replaces the current "fuel" gift system with benefits that contain an encrypted currency that can be traded on open cryptographic shares.
With the expansion of the platform, our Blockchain network can provide additional services to provide value or other incentives to business partners and customers. Upon completion of the ICO, Multibuy Company Limited will bear the MB8 currency interest rate

MB8 Coindecentralises, creates and provides a number of icons that can be used in modern Multi Buffer award systems. 
  •  Multibuy has partnered with 2100 companies and continues to grow rapidly. 
  •  This change will make Multibuy the most widespread, modern and innovative loyalty reward system. 
  •  This will attract new business partners, investo
    rs, speculators and valuable customers
Our award-winning Eurocredit Plus system has proven to be a great opportunity to capitalize on the efficiency of Blockchain technology. By replacing traditionally "closed prize models", we aim to expand into many new markets and capitalize on this exciting space innovation. This transition will also allow for the strengthening and expansion of the Statute for the benefit of all participants. After launch, our current Eurocredit Plus platform will deal with new customers and redeem our merchant currency called MB8 Coin.


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